Women on the Move (WEMov) is an international network funded by COST (CA19112)
A network of researchers from 52 countries, we are engaged in the timely mission of unveiling women migrants’ presence and participation in the construction of Europe. Our transdisciplinary outlook combines a wide variety of expertise in history, sociology, demography, economy, anthropology, political science and the arts, among many other fields. This will foster complementary perspectives to show women migrants’ presence, obstacles and capacities in past and present migratory contexts.
Women on the Move (CA19112) is a science and technology network funded over a four-year period and developing networking tools to meet the research coordination and capacity building objectives set out in the COST Action’s Memorandum of Understanding. Its Grant Holder is Université de Picardie Jules Verne, and it was previously hosted by Université Paris Cité.
EU Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli endorses WEMov
Helena Dalli is EU Commissioner for equality and one of WEMov’s stakeholders. Developing an EU Gender strategy is at the core of Helena Dalli’s responsibilities. In this video endorsing COST Action Women on the Move, she comes back on women migrants’ obstacles in the labour market and the fact that the gender gap in the labour market is linked to wider gender discriminations. Helena Dalli outlines the EU strategies to improve women migrants’ integration and inclusion. She ends with a reflection on Ukrainian women’s constrained migration, the dangers of trafficking and the preventive measures implemented by the EU.
Watch Helena Dalli’s video about women’s migration below.
About COST

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
How to join
Fairness, transparency, excellence, openness and inclusiveness are fundamental in COST Actions
Women on the Move can either be joined as an MC member, substitute, observer or as a WG member committed to fulfill the objectives of the MoU. WG membership to WEMov is supported by the Core Group, and active participation is expected from all members.
Please contact us for more information. WEMov’s management structure and COST page include the details of the Chair, Vice-Chairs, WG leaders, and members.
Leaflet for stakeholders
WEMov’s stakeholders are organisations or individuals actively engaged in our mission and who support our network. If you wish to become a stakeholder, please download our leaflet and contact us.