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Map of women migrants’ landmarks

This map displays landmarks commemorating women migrants. Discover the landmarks by clicking on the pins and zoom to view local areas’ landmarks.

The selected landmarks and migrant trajectories feature cross-community or cross-cultural migration. They show both typical and exceptional forms of mobility and present women of different age, profession, social status and migration status. The collection of landmarks is an ongoing process based on voluntary cooperation and new landmarks will be added to the map at regular intervals.

In recognition for their cooperation and contribution to WG2, find the list of students and teachers who teamed to find landmarks of women migrants across Europe here.

1254 items.


Virtual Exhibition created by French and Finnish students

Part of a co-teaching experiment led by Pirita Frigren and Marie Ruiz

Download the pdf of the virtual exhibition created by students from Université de Picardie Jules Verne (France) Charlotte Carette, Gauthier Massie, Yasmine Khemira, and students from University Consortium of Pori, Finland, Elina Haapanen and Minna-Riikka Tuohiniitty here


Take WEMov’s first interactive Walking Tour of Women’s Migration in Amiens created with the contribution of students from Université de Picardie Jules Verne (France) Louise Troche, Renaud Leporc, and from Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland) Urszula Domitrz.

WG2 is creating walking tours of places of interest in women’s migration across Europe. Check the walking tours below.