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     1.) MOOC on the move – If you study half, you can’t explain the whole!

    We happily announce that our MOOC Women on the Move is already released! With 8 classes, the MOOC opens with a section on historiography and methods, which shows the evolution of scholarship on women’s migration and the qualitative and quantitative tools used to research women’s migration. 

    Please share the link widely and encourage your students to take the MOOC. You can register and watch the teaser HERE.

    2.) Promotion of COST in Ukraine

    WG2 member and Grant Awarding Coordinator Igor Lyman at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine continues popularization activities about the COST opportunities for Ukrainian scholars and innovators. 

    In February – April of 2023 Igor Lyman presented COST opportunities on:

    • « Mentor School », organized by the Scholar Support Office (February 23);
    • Forum « Internationalization as a measure of the quality of education », organized by the Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic National University with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education and the National Qualifications Agency (March 1);
    • “Pro COST” presentation, organized by Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (March 7);
    • Training project “Grantwriter III” of the Young Scientists Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (March 31);
    • Taining course, organized by Sumy National Agrarian University as a part of Erasmus Plus Jean Monnet project EDOCS (April 20);
    • Webinar “European programs: grant opportunities and practical recommendations”, held by the Scholar Support Office for scientists of Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University (April 26).

    At the all COST promotion events, Igor Lyman informs Ukrainians about the COST Action Women on the Move.

    3.) Female dimension of Ukrainian scientific emigration: mapping and interviewing

    WEMov network, including representatives of 54 countries, has a huge potential for synergy with the Ukrainian Science Diaspora initiative launched by the Scholar Support Office (Ukraine). All WEMov members are invited to share the announcement posted below in their countries. After the start of Russia’s full-scale aggression on February 24, 2022, a new powerful wave of emigration from Ukraine began. Preventing men under 60 to cross the border due to the Martial law caused the situation when women make up the absolute majority of emigrants from Ukraine. Scholars are widely represented in this wave. 

    COST Action Women on the Move has supported by Virtual Mobility grant “Female dimension of Ukrainian scientific emigration: mapping and interviewing” the Ukrainian Science Diaspora initiative, launched by the Scholar Support Office at the Young Scientists Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The goal of the initiative is to establish ties with Ukrainian scientists who left Ukraine and to develop tools for their support and return to Ukraine programs.

    The initiative is carried out on the basis of the methodological tools of the International Organization for Migration, which is part of the United Nations (IOM Diaspora Mapping Toolkit).

    The action plan of the Ukrainian Science Diaspora initiative provides for the following:

    • Action 1. Development of the conception of pilot mapping the Ukrainian science diaspora in the humanities with the support of the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in partnership with the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University and the Harriman Institute at Columbia.
    • Action 2. Mapping of the Ukrainian scientific diaspora, which has answers to the questions: who left (status, age, professional status), where and from where they came (country of current residence, place of residence in Ukraine) etc.
    • Action 3. Creation of a database of those scholars who could participate in joint initiatives in the future. 
    • Action 4. Creation in cooperation with Massachusetts Institute of Technology the digital platform “The Ukrainian Science Diaspora”.
    • Action 5. Identifying the need for further policy development and program support for Ukrainian scholars.
    • Action 6. Involvement of the Ukrainian scientific diaspora in dialogue and communication among themselves, with scientists who remained in Ukraine.

    Ukrainian scientists abroad are invited to join this initiative and ask fill out the following form Ukrainian Science Diaspora HERE, to visit the Facebook page HERE and to join the Telegram chat HERE

    Contact persons: WG2 members Igor Lyman ( and Victoria Konstantinova (