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Charity for children and families named after Anna Freud

    Anna Freud CBE (b. Vienna, Austria, 1895 – d. 1982, London, England) was a British psychoanalyst of Austrian–Jewish descent. She was the youngest child of Sigmund Freud and Martha Bernays. She followed the path of her father and contributed to the field of psychoanalysis. Alongside Hermine Hug-Hellmuth and Melanie Klein, she may be considered the founder of psychoanalytic child psychology. After the Freud family were forced to leave Vienna in 1938 with the advent of the Nazi regime in Austria, she resumed her psychoanalytic practice and her pioneering work in child psychoanalysis in London, establishing the Hampstead Child Therapy Course and Clinic in 1952 (now the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families) as a center for therapy, training, and research work.

    Address : 38 Mayton St, London N1 6EB, UK

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