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1946, Valivade-Kolhapur, India. Polish women evacuated from the USSR. On the right, Anna Szwaglis, mother of Andrzej Borucki

    The collection contains family photographs of Andrzej Borucki from 1906-1961, including those of Anna (née Szwaglis) and Wiktor Borucki. The photos, taken during World War II, show among others Polish war prisoners in Oflag II C camp in Woldenberg and the camp for Polish refugees in Valivade, India, including women.

    Original source name : 1946, Valivade-Kolhapur, Indie. Polki ewakuowane z ZSRR. Z prawej Anna Szwaglis, matka Andrzeja Boruckiego
    English translation : 1946, Valivade-Kolhapur, India. Polish women evacuated from the USSR. On the right, Anna Szwaglis, mother of Andrzej Borucki
    Creator : Collections
    Document- type 2 : photograph
    Reference number : FOK_0005_0002_0001_029
    Language(s) : Polish
    Geographical coverage : India
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1946
    Theme 1 : family
    Theme 2 : war and displacement
    Link to the item in the catalogue :¬hiswords=&imageselected=88788
    Archive name : Archiwum Fotografii Fundacji Ośrodka Karta
    Archive name (English) : The KARTA Center Foundation Archive
    Archive address : ul. Narbutta 29, 02-536 Warszawa
    City : Warsaw
    Country : Poland
    Official website and institutional resources :
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