This file contains a letter from Chinese-Belgian pilot Nadine Hwang (1902–1972) to Belgian writer and lawyer Albert Guislain, as well as a copy of a letter sent to Hwang by Guislain. Hwang was born in Madrid, where her diplomat father had been transferred. Her family returned to China in 1913, where she became a pilot and held the rank of colonel in the Chinese Air Force. She lived in Paris from 1933 but was deported as a political prisoner to the Ravensbrück women’s concentration camp in 1944, where she met her future life partner, Nelly Mousset-Vos. Briefly separated when Mousset-Vos was deported to another concentration camp, they successfully reunited in Brussels after the war and lived together for the rest of their lives. The 2022 documentary film Nelly & Nadine provides further details on the women’s experiences of forced migration, supported by Mousset-Vos’s camp diaries, which are privately owned by her family.
Original source name : Albert Guislain: Correspondance générale: lettres reçues et copies de lettres expédiées: HWANG, Nadine
English translation : Albert Guislain: General correspondence: letters received and copies of letters sent: HWANG, Nadine
Creator : personal fonds
Document- type 1 : correspondence
Reference number : Algemeen Rijksarchief / Archives générales du Royaume - I 296 - 949
Language(s) : French
Geographical coverage : Belgium
Time range : 20thc.
Year(s) : 1949
Theme 1 : experience of migration
Link to the item in the catalogue :
English translation : Albert Guislain: General correspondence: letters received and copies of letters sent: HWANG, Nadine
Creator : personal fonds
Document- type 1 : correspondence
Reference number : Algemeen Rijksarchief / Archives générales du Royaume - I 296 - 949
Language(s) : French
Geographical coverage : Belgium
Time range : 20thc.
Year(s) : 1949
Theme 1 : experience of migration
Link to the item in the catalogue :
Archive name : Rijksarchief te Gent
Archive name (English) : State Archives in Ghent
Archive address : Bagattenstraat 43, 9000 Ghent
City : Ghent
Country : Belgium
Official website and institutional resources :
Finding aid(s) :
Archive name (English) : State Archives in Ghent
Archive address : Bagattenstraat 43, 9000 Ghent
City : Ghent
Country : Belgium
Official website and institutional resources :
Finding aid(s) :