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Black, migrant and refugee women

    The project “Diversity” captures life stories of women in the Netherlands with a migrant background who have made an important contribution to black migrant and refugee women and women’s movements. the oral history interviews in this series include interviews in Dutch and Flemish with Domenica Ghidei Biidu, Francisca (Cisca) Pattipilohy, Alem Desta, Nancy Jouwe, Farah Karimi, Troetje Loewenthal and other women of migrant backgrounds.

    Original source name : Zwarte, migranten- en vluchtelingenvrouwen
    English translation : Black, migrant and refugee women
    Creator : Organisations
    Document- type 1 : audio
    Document- type 2 : video
    Reference number : IAV_OH000125-IAV_OH000400
    Language(s) : Dutch
    Geographical coverage : Netherlands
    Time range : 21st c.
    Year(s) : 2011–2013
    Theme 1 : experience of migration
    Link to the item in the catalogue : Permalink to the collection in the online catalogue
    Archive name : Atria, Kennisinstituut voor Emancipatie en Vrouwengeschiedenis
    Archive name (English) : Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History
    Archive address : Vijzelstraat 20 1017 HK, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    City : Amsterdam
    Country : The Netherlands
    Official website and institutional resources : 
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