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Colleague István Tarsoly: Czechoslovak microfilms in the National Archives on January 1, 1992: Repertórium (Archival inventories 88. Budapest, 1988)

    The microfilm contains documents related to Lilly Steinschneider, born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1891. She became Hungary’s first female pilot (possibly also the first female driver of cars) when she conquered the skies in 1912, the year she received her pilot’s license. She learned to fly in Austria where she also held a job to pay the expenses of aviation, an expensive sport. She married Count Johannes Coudenhove-Kalergi of Ronspergheim, whose father was an Austrian diplomat and mother a Japanese born Mitsuko Aoyama. Lilly was so in love with her husband that she followed him to the Eastern front when WWI broke out, serving as nurse. The couple moved to Czech Bohemia after the war and at the outbreak of WWII, Lilly had to flee to Italy because of her Jewish origins. After the war, she moved to Southern France.

    Original source name : Kollega Tarsoly István: Csehszlovákiai mikrofilmek az Országos Levéltárban 1992. január 1-én : Repertórium (Levéltári leltárak 88. Budapest, 1988)
    English translation : Colleague István Tarsoly: Czechoslovak microfilms in the National Archives on January 1, 1992: Repertórium (Archival inventories 88. Budapest, 1988)
    Creator : N/A
    Document- type 1 : photograph
    Document- type 2 : personal
    Reference number : C 472/1
    Language(s) : Hungarian
    Geographical coverage : Hungary
    Year(s) : 1912-1943
    Theme 1 : family
    Theme 2 : war and displacement
    Archive name : Magyar Nemzeti Levéltàr
    Archive name (English) : Hungarian National Archives
    Archive address : Budapest, Bécsikapu tér 2–4, 1014 Hungary
    City : Budapest
    Country : Hungary
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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