This collection focuses on Marie Heinen, born on 3 November 1881 in Amsterdam, died on 24 November 1948 in The Hague. After attending the Openbare Meisjesschool in Amsterdam, she attended a Swiss boarding school, and spent her adolescence in Switzerland. She then worked for companies in Switzerland and held various public positions at the High Council of Labour, the Central Commission of Assistance for Labour and Migration and the International Labour Office in Geneva. She was deputy director (1908- 1937) and director (1937-1947) of the National Bureau for Women’s Labour (NBV), co-founder and board member of the Association of Academically Educated Christian Women (VACV); and co-founder, with Anna Polak, of the Dutch Association of Housewives in 1912. From 1920, she was a member of the international committee for women’s labour of the National Women’s Council of the Netherlands and she was responsible for many publications and surveys on labour and women, including the ‘Vrouwenjaarboekjes’ 1909-1920. This collection contains autobiographical notes; papers on the Central Selection Body for Female Volunteers in the East Indies 1947- 1948; papers on the Union of Dutch Soroptimist Clubs 1937-ca 1948; papers on the Advisory Committee on the Labour of Women and Girls 1946-1948. In addition, M. van Rosmalen, a second cousin of Marie Heinen, holds some documents and photographs of Marie Heinen which can be viewed on request.
Original source name : Collectie Marie Heinen 1913, 1937-1948
English translation : Collection Marie Heinen 1913, 1937-1948
Creator : personal fonds
Document- type 2 : personal
Reference number : IIAV00000068
Language(s) : English/Dutch
Geographical coverage : Netherlands, Switzerland
Time range : 20thc.
Year(s) : 1937-1948
Theme 1 : philanthropy
Theme 2 : legal
Link to the item in the catalogue : Pdf accessible:
English translation : Collection Marie Heinen 1913, 1937-1948
Creator : personal fonds
Document- type 2 : personal
Reference number : IIAV00000068
Language(s) : English/Dutch
Geographical coverage : Netherlands, Switzerland
Time range : 20thc.
Year(s) : 1937-1948
Theme 1 : philanthropy
Theme 2 : legal
Link to the item in the catalogue : Pdf accessible:
Archive name : Kennisinstituut voor Emancipatie en Vrouwengeschiedenis
Archive name (English) : Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History
Archive address : Vijzelstraat 20 - 1017 HK Amsterdam - The Netherlands
City : Amsterdam
Country : Netherlands
Official website and institutional resources :
Finding aid(s) :
Archive name (English) : Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History
Archive address : Vijzelstraat 20 - 1017 HK Amsterdam - The Netherlands
City : Amsterdam
Country : Netherlands
Official website and institutional resources :
Finding aid(s) :