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Correspondence of the secretariat of the Chemical Section of the 9th Congress of Polish Doctors and Naturalists in Krakow, 1900

    This fonds contains Maria Skłodowska-Curie’s letters, the famous scientist from Poland who lived her life in France.

    Original source name : Korespondecja sekretariatu Sekcji Chemicznej IX Zjazdu Lekarzy i Przyrodników Polskich w Krakowie, roku 1900
    English translation : Correspondence of the secretariat of the Chemical Section of the 9th Congress of Polish Doctors and Naturalists in Krakow, 1900
    Creator : public service
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Reference number : BJ Rkp. 6593 III
    Language(s) : Polish
    Geographical coverage : Poland, France
    Time range : 19th-20th c.
    Year(s) : 1899-1900
    Theme 1 : education
    Link to the item in the catalogue :,NzA3NTM4NTA/4/#info:metadata
    Archive name : Biblioteka Jagiellońska
    Archive name (English) : Jagiellonian Library
    Archive address : Mickiewicza Aleja 22, 30-059 Krakow
    City : Krakow
    Country : Poland
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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