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Correspondence of Torfhildur Þorsteinsdóttir Hólm

    This is the correspondence of Torfhildur Þorsteinsdóttir Hólm (1845-1918) who emigrated from her homeland of Iceland to Canada in 1876, where she lived for 13 years. Her correspondence includes letters sent to her while living in Canada and letters sent by friends after her return to Reykjavík, Iceland, in 1889.

    Original source name : Torfhildur Þorsteinsdóttir Hólm skáldkona-bréfasafn
    English translation : Correspondence of Torfhildur Þorsteinsdóttir Hólm
    Creator : personal fonds
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Reference number : Lbs 3984 4to
    Language(s) : Icelandic
    Geographical coverage : Canada
    Time range : 19th-20th c.
    Year(s) : 1878-1916
    Theme 1 : art and culture
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Landsbókasafn Íslands—Háskólabókasafn
    Archive name (English) : National and University Library of Iceland
    Archive address : Arngrímsgötu 3, 107 Reykjavík, Iceland
    City : Reykjavík
    Country : Iceland
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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