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Diary of Gilbert Purser on the convict ship Duchess of Northumberland

    This file contains the personal diary of Gilbert James Inglis, the purser on a female convict ship, Duchess of Northumberland, London to Hobart, 16 November 1852–12 April 1853. The journal describes the voyage of some 200 female convicts and 34 children from Millbank Penitentiary, their enthusiasm on coming on board, sea sickness, various punishments and deaths. The journal stops abruptly on 12 April, while still at sea. The corresponding Surgeon’s journal for this voyage is held at The National Archives (ADM 101/254/1C). This shows the voyage ended on 27 April. As convict transportation to Tasmania ended in 1853, this was presumably one of the last voyages.

    Original source name : Diary of Gilbert Purser on the convict ship Duchess of Northumberland
    English translation : Diary of Gilbert Purser on the convict ship Duchess of Northumberland
    Creator : personal fonds
    Document- type 1 : diary/memoir
    Reference number : JOD/150
    Language(s) : English
    Geographical coverage : United Kingdom
    Time range : 19thc.
    Year(s) : 1852–1853
    Theme 1 : experience of migration
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Royal Museums Greenwich
    Archive name (English) : Royal Museums Greenwich
    Archive address : National Maritime Museum Greenwich, Caird Library - Romney Rd - London - SE10 9NF
    City : Greenwich
    Country : United Kingdom
    Official website and institutional resources : 
    Finding aid(s) :  
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