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Directorate of Population and Migration, Sub-Directorate of Population Movements, Office of Work Permits, Family Reunification: individual files on the regularisation and introduction of immigrants (1989)

    The series of archives inventoried in this deposit are the subject of a sampling carried out at the source by the producing service: 1 full year kept at the National Archives out of 5. This collection consists in individual litigations about work permits for immigrants in France, the regularisation of situations, introductions and temporary work permits. These are opinions given by the office in cases of first instance and hierarchical appeals submitted to the Minister of Labour: correspondence, notes from the Minister’s office, photocopies of civil status documents. The first part concerns individual regularisation files (numerical filing), the second individual introduction files (numerical filing), the third individual temporary work permit files (chronological filing) and the fourth nominal regularisation and introduction files (alphabetical filing), all in 1989. The files are not gender-disaggregated, but some contain information on women migrants.

    Original source name : Direction de la population et des migrations, Sous-direction des mouvements de population, bureau autorisations de travail, regroupement familial : dossiers individuels de régularisation et d'introduction d'immigrés (1989)
    English translation : Directorate of Population and Migration, Sub-Directorate of Population Movements, Office of Work Permits, Family Reunification: individual files on the regularisation and introduction of immigrants (1989)
    Creator : Administration
    Document- type 1 : immigration papers
    Reference number : 19930313/1-19930313/49
    Language(s) : French
    Geographical coverage : International
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1989
    Theme 2 : legal
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Archives nationales
    Archive name (English) : French National Archives
    Archive address : 59 Rue Guynemer, 93383 Pierrefitte-sur-Seine
    City : Pierrefitte-sur-Seine
    Country : France
    Official website and institutional resources :
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