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Documentary collection: Marianella Garcia Villas

    This collection contains correspondence, personal documents, photographs of El Salvadorian activist Marianella Garcia Villas in Italy but also documents produced after her assassination. Marianella García Villas (7 August 1948 – 13 March 1983) was a Salvadoran attorney, who served in the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador from 1974 to 1976 before resigning her post to found the first independent human rights commission in the country. After the 1979 coup d’état led to the installation of a military junta, she began documenting human rights abuses in the country, helping families report disappearances and imprisonments. Under personal threat and with escalating violations of rights, García took her documentation to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, gaining international notice of the situation inside the country. She was assassinated by the Salvadoran Armed Forces in 1983 and was posthumously awarded the Bruno Kreisky Prize for Services to Human Rights.

    Original source name : Raccolta documentaria: Marianella García Villas
    English translation : Documentary collection: Marianella Garcia Villas
    Creator : Collections
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Document- type 2 : personal
    Language(s) : Italian
    Geographical coverage : Italy, El Salvador
    Time range : 20th-21stc.
    Year(s) : 1974-2016
    Theme 1 : legal
    Theme 2 : philanthropy
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso
    Archive name (English) : Lelio and Lisli Basso Foundation
    Archive address : Via della Dogana Vecchia, 5 – 00186 Rome, Italy
    City : Rome
    Country : Italy
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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