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Edward Gordon Craig

    This file contains letters and other documents relevant to the stay of the Finnish expressionist artist Ellen Thesleff (1869–1954) in Florence, Italy. She first came to Florence in 1894, where she met Craig in 1907. The pair continued to correspond regularly after her eventual return to Finland, making her letters to Craig an important source on her career and mobility.

    Original source name : Edward Gordon Craig
    English translation : Edward Gordon Craig
    Creator : personal fonds
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Reference number : N/A
    Language(s) : Italian, English
    Geographical coverage : Italy
    Time range : 19thc.
    Year(s) : c. 1900-1950
    Theme 1 : experience of migration
    Theme 2 : art and culture
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Publication(s) : Hanna-Reetta Schreck, Minä maalaan kuin jumala: Ellen Thesleffin elämä ja taide (Teos, 2017).
    Archive name : Gabinetto scientifico letterario G.P. Vieusseux, L'archivio contemporaneo
    Archive name (English) : Scientific Literary Collection of G.P. Viesseux, Contemporary Archive
    Archive address : Via Maggio 42, 50125 Florence, Italy
    City : Florence
    Country : Italy
    Official website and institutional resources :
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