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Encompassed collection on agrarian reform and collonization (1945-1957)

    The collection contains information about families (including women) that were displaced from their homes in the Banjaluka area after the World War II due to organized colonization and agrarian reform in Yugoslavia between 1945 and 1957.

    Original source name : Обједињени фонд о аграрној реформи и колонизацији, (1945-1957)
    English translation : Encompassed collection on agrarian reform and collonization (1945-1957)
    Creator : Administration
    Document- type 1 : reports
    Document- type 2 : registry
    Reference number : 1945/1957, књ.38,кут.31, САИ
    Language(s) : Serbo-Croatian
    Geographical coverage : Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1945-1957
    Theme 2 : war and displacement
    Archive name : Архив Републике Српске
    Archive name (English) : Archives of Republika Srpska
    Archive address : Aleja Svetog Save 1, 78000, Banjaluka
    City : Banja Luka
    Country : Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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