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Eugenia Mielnicka’s stay in a hospital in Teheran, first from the right is Zofia Mielnicka

    The collection consists in photographs of Polish women migrants from the Mielnicka family taken in the 1940s in Africa, Iran, Palestine and Italy

    Original source name : Pobyt Eugenii Mielnickiej w szpitalu w Teheranie, pierwsza z prawej stoi Zofia Mielnicka
    English translation : Eugenia Mielnicka's stay in a hospital in Teheran, first from the right is Zofia Mielnicka
    Creator : Collections
    Document- type 2 : photograph
    Reference number : OK_006760
    Language(s) : Polish
    Geographical coverage : Poland
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1940s
    Theme 1 : family
    Theme 2 : experience of migration
    Link to the item in the catalogue :,4892,zdjecie.html
    Archive name : Archiwum Fotografii Fundacji Ośrodka Karta
    Archive name (English) : The KARTA Center Foundation Archive
    Archive address : ul. Narbutta 29, 02-536 Warszawa
    City : Warsaw
    Country : Poland
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) : Photocard / Naše kolekcije / Kolekcije (
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