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Family collection of thetre and literary critic Paula Jēgere-Freimane (1886-1975) and [her son] poet Dzintars Freimanis (1925-1978), (USA)

    Paula Jēgere-Freimane (1886-1975) was a Latvian critic who fled to Germany in 1944 and emigrated to the US in 1950. The collection includes biographical documents, correspondence and photos, but also her literary work.

    Original source name : Jēgere-Freimane Paula (1886-1975), teātra un literatūras kritiķe, Freimanis Dzintars (1925-1978), dzejnieks, (ASV) / ģimenes fonds
    English translation : Family collection of thetre and literary critic Paula Jēgere-Freimane (1886-1975) and [her son] poet Dzintars Freimanis (1925-1978), (USA)
    Creator : Family
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Document- type 2 : personal
    Reference number : LV_LVA_F 2119
    Language(s) : Latvian, English
    Geographical coverage : Latvia-Germany-USA
    Year(s) : 1906 - 1987
    Theme 1 : experience of migration
    Theme 2 : art and culture
    Link to the item in the catalogue : /
    Archive name : Latvijas Nacionālais arhīv
    Archive name (English) : Latvian National Archives
    Archive address : Bezdelīgu iela 1A, Rīga, Latvia
    City : Riga
    Country : Latvia
    Official website and institutional resources :
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