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File of letters concerning a request from Catherine Laffan, Knockaney, County Limerick, to join her convict husband in New South Wales

    Petition of Catherine Laffane [Laffan], Knockaney, County Limerick, to Henry William Paget, Lord Lieutenant, seeking free passage to travel with her family to New South Wales, [Australia] to join her husband, Patrick Laffan, who was transported there for having being a party to the abduction of a young woman. Also letter from Hill Longford, Sydney, New South Wales, to Rev J Preston, vicar of Alney, Bruff, [County Limerick], noting that Laffan was in his service and is now employed at Peakeville Hunters River. Also covering letter from Preston, to William Gregory, Under Secretary, claiming that the convict was not guilty of the crime for which he was sentenced. 3 items; 9pp

    Original source name : File of letters concerning a request from Catherine Laffan, Knockaney, County Limerick, to join her convict husband in New South Wales
    English translation : File of letters concerning a request from Catherine Laffan, Knockaney, County Limerick, to join her convict husband in New South Wales
    Creator : Administration
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Reference number : CSO/RP/1828/1291
    Language(s) : English
    Geographical coverage : Ireland, Australia
    Year(s) : 24 Feb 1828-26 Aug 1828
    Theme 1 : family
    Theme 2 : legal
    Archive name : An Chartlann Náisiúnta
    Archive name (English) : National Archives
    Archive address : Bishop Street, Dublin 8, Ireland D08 DF200
    City : Dublin
    Country : Ireland
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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