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Fond “Chronicles”

    This fonds contains chronicles from expatriate witnesses (in large part refugees), who recollect about their birthplaces: folk life, war, escape and emigration. Among them are women storytellers, as well as information about expatriate women. For example, such is the Chronicle of Kata Misirkova Rumenova (Хр. IV. 8) – born in 1930 in Postol (today’s Greece), died in 2012 in Skopje.

    Original source name : Фонд „Хроники“
    English translation : Fond “Chronicles”
    Creator : N/A
    Document- type 1 : diary/memoir
    Document- type 2 : personal
    Reference number : Хр. IV. 8
    Language(s) : Macedonian
    Geographical coverage : North Macedonia
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : first half of 20th century
    Theme 1 : experience of migration
    Archive name : Документарно одделение на Институт за национална историја
    Archive name (English) : Documentary department of the Institute of National History
    Archive address : Ulica "Grigor Prličev" broj 3, Skoplje, North Macedonia
    City : Skopje
    Country : North Macedonia
    Official website and institutional resources :
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