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Golda Meir personal archive

    The series includes files from Golda Meir’s personal archive over two periods: 1953 – 1977, as well as posthumous material. The material from the period when she was alive include correspondence (partly handwritten) and her, notebooks and diaries (a biography was later published in Hebrew and English), a guestbook, photos, newspaper clippings and brochures. Posthumous material include letters of condolence, invitations to commemorative events, distribution of a prize in Golda’s name, newspaper clippings and more. Golda Meir was born in Ukraine and became a prominent Israelian stateswoman.

    Original source name : Golda Meir personal archive
    English translation : Golda Meir personal archive
    Creator : personal fonds
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Document- type 2 : personal
    Reference number : ISA-Privatecollections-GoldaMeir-0002egw
    Language(s) : Hebrew
    Geographical coverage : Israel
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1953-1984
    Theme 1 : family
    Theme 2 : networking
    Archive name : מרכז מידע גולדב מאיר
    Archive name (English) : Israel State Archives
    Archive address : Hartom St 14, Jerusalem, 9777514, Israel
    City : Jerusalem
    Country : Israel
    Official website and institutional resources :!/Catalog/0b071706800228c0/Unit/0b07170680022fe3/Deposit/0b07170680358ae7#anchor0b07170680022fe3
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