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Golda Meir personal archive

    These files from Golda Meir’s archive concern the period 1925-1977. The files in the series include the words of Golda Meir at the meeting at the Histadrut Council, Mapai institutions, the party secretariat, the political committee of Mapai, the meeting of the National Committee, the fourth assembly of the elected representatives, the meetings of the agency’s management in Paris, Basel and Israel, a record of Golda Meir’s conversation with the High Commissioner, biographical material, correspondence with various institutions and organizations and personalities including Ben-Gurion and Moshe Sharet sent letters of condolence after the murder of the athletes in Munich and more. The main types of materials in the files: correspondence, protocols, reports, booklets, newspaper clippings, personal certificates and more. Golda Meir (née Golda Mabovich; 1898-1978) was an Israeli stateswoman of Ukrainian descent, one of the founders of the State of Israel, and the 4th Prime Minister of Israel from March 17, 1969, to 1974. In 1906, after the pogroms, the family moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin (USA). In the winter of 1918, Golda became the youngest delegate to the Jewish Congress held in Philadelphia. In 1921, she traveled to Palestine with her husband and sister. Golda became a delegate to the Zionist convention and met many of Israel’s future leaders there: Ben-Gurion, Berl Katznelson, Zalman Shazar, and David Remez. On 14 May 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed. In September 1948. G. Meir became Israel’s first ambassador to the USSR. In April 1949, she returned to Israel. She was elected to the Knesset in 1949 and accepted the post of Minister of Labor and Social Insurance in the cabinet of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. She adopted the surname Meir on the advice of David Ben-Gurion in 1956. In July 1956, Meir was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Israel’s representative to the United Nations. On 17 March 1969, Golda Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel.

    Original source name : Golda Meir personal archive
    English translation : Golda Meir personal archive
    Creator : personal fonds
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Document- type 2 : reports
    Reference number : ISA-Privatecollections-GoldaMeir-0002ehe
    Language(s) : Hebrew
    Geographical coverage : Israel
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1937-1953
    Theme 2 : networking
    Link to the item in the catalogue :!/Catalog/0b071706800228c0/Unit/0b07170680022fe3/Deposit/0b07170680358b48#anchor0b07170680022fe3
    Archive name : ארכיון המדינה
    Archive name (English) : Israel State Archives
    Archive address : Hartom St 14, Jerusalem, 9777514, Israel
    City : Jerusalem
    Country : Israel
    Official website and institutional resources :!/
    Finding aid(s) :!/
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