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Immigrant Women

    The Pierre Bance collection is nearly 45 linear metres long. It concerns his activities as an Associate Professor in Labour Law, as a publisher and as an activist in the Confédération nationale du travail (CNT). The collection includes in particular a vast series of posters related to Pierre Bance’s Trade Union activities. It also contains a large library of Labour Law manuals and periodicals published by French and Spanish anarchist groups and Unions. Women are also present in the collection, although rarely, and one section is dedicated to women migrants. The concept of « migrant workers » includes women working in a country of which they are not nationals. The most documented cases in the collections held at the Archives Nationales du Monde du Travail feature foreigners who have worked in France.

    Original source name : Femmes Immigrées
    English translation : Immigrant Women
    Creator : Collections
    Document- type 1 : immigration papers
    Document- type 2 : reports
    Reference number : 2013058032104
    Language(s) : French
    Geographical coverage : France
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1971-1978
    Theme 1 : education
    Theme 2 : work
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Publication(s) : .
    Archive name : Archives Nationales du Monde du Travail
    Archive name (English) : National Archives of the World of Labour
    Archive address : 78, Boulevard du Général-Leclerc – CS 80405 - 59057 ROUBAIX Cedex 1
    City : Roubaix
    Country : France
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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