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Institute for Statistics

    The collection contains population censuses, and data about emigrants-returnees, among other documents. The forms also document the countries of emigration and the data on emigrants include such categories as heads and family members, age, gender and nationality. There are also tables on migration that contain statistical overviews created by city councils, with numerical data on the number of people who migrated, their last place of residence, characteristics of settlement and gender.

    Original source name : Zavod za statistiku
    English translation : Institute for Statistics
    Creator : science
    Document- type 1 : census
    Document- type 2 : statistics
    Reference number : HR-HDA-367
    Language(s) : Croatian
    Geographical coverage : Croatia
    Time range : 19th-20th c.
    Year(s) : 1857-1961
    Theme 2 : statistics
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Hrvatski državni arhiv
    Archive name (English) : Croatian State Archives
    Archive address : Trg Marka Marulića 21, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
    City : Zagreb
    Country : Croatia
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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