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Legal Support for Children and Women, Cambodian Migrants in Crisis

    This collection gathers official documents related to the legal support for women and children from Cambodia to Switzerland. There are access restrictions on the materials. Originally added from 2015/00091 Direktion für Ressourcen (Bern) (keine Angabe). Reference 771.22.

    Original source name : Legal Support for Children and Women, Cambodian Migrants in Crisis
    English translation : Legal Support for Children and Women, Cambodian Migrants in Crisis
    Creator : Administration
    Document- type 2 : reports
    Reference number : E2200.101-02#2015/91#80*
    Language(s) : German, English
    Geographical coverage : Switzerland, Cambodia
    Time range : 21st c.
    Year(s) : 2005-2008
    Theme 2 : legal
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Archives fédérales suisses
    Archive name (English) : Federal Archives of Switzerland
    Archive address : Archives fédérales suisses - Archivstrasse 24 - 3003 Berne
    City : Bern
    Country : Switzerland
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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