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Letter from [Dr] Edward Trevor, [superintendent and medical inspector of convicts], Dublin, concerning permission to travel for children of female convicts

    Letter from [Dr] Edward Trevor, [superintendent and medical inspector of convicts], Dublin, to the Chief Secretary’s Office, suggesting that all children of female convicts should be permitted to depart with their mothers for New South Wales, [Australia]; reciting the standard regulations on transportation which states that ‘no children are to accompany their mothers except those at the breast’ and advising a relaxation of the rule on account of the numbers above that age uncared for; adding he intends to board the convicts ‘provided the wind may be favourable’. Enclosing a list of children belonging to female convicts held in Newgate [Prison, Dublin] who are ‘likely to become quite destitute’; with names, ages, and details of the case of Mary Callanan, sent by Matilda Christian, matron, to Trevor; also enclosing ‘Return of Female Convicts children in Newgate’ with details of four persons. 3 items; 5pp

    Original source name : Letter from [Dr] Edward Trevor, [superintendent and medical inspector of convicts], Dublin, concerning permission to travel for children of female convicts
    English translation : Letter from [Dr] Edward Trevor, [superintendent and medical inspector of convicts], Dublin, concerning permission to travel for children of female convicts
    Creator : Administration
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Reference number : CSO/RP/1831/3162
    Language(s) : English
    Geographical coverage : Ireland, Australia
    Year(s) : 26 Nov 1831
    Theme 1 : family
    Theme 2 : legal
    Archive name : An Chartlann Náisiúnta
    Archive name (English) : National Archives
    Archive address : Bishop Street, Dublin 8, Ireland D08 DF241
    City : Dublin
    Country : Ireland
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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