Letter from Mary Fitzpatrick nee Reynolds, wife of James Fitzpatrick, Carrick on Shannon, County Leitrim, to William Gregory, Under Secretary, containing transcript copy of letter she received from him at Mohill on 28 August 1827, informing her that the persons mentioned on the reverse [not present] have been granted free passage to New South Wales [Australia], and requesting that she reply as soon as possible to let him know if they intend to accept the ‘indulgence’. Also requests that she lists the ages of the children, ‘as no child can be sent out whose age exceeds fourteen years’. In reply, Fitzpatrick states that she has 7 children, ‘the oldest then a Girl aged 18 years and the youngest an infant on the breast… your poor supplicant feels almost distracted between the maternal feelings of a Parent and the fond affections of a wife at the idea of separating from and leaving her poor helpless children destitute’. Requests that he grant permission for all 7 of them to travel, or at least 4 of them. Also requests that an answer be addressed to Thomas Rutherford, Carrick on Shannon. 1 item; 3pp
Original source name : Letter from Mary Fitzpatrick nee Reynolds, Carrick on Shannon, relating to her request for free passage for herself and her 7 children to join her husband James in his transportation to
English translation : Letter from Mary Fitzpatrick nee Reynolds, Carrick on Shannon, relating to her request for free passage for herself and her 7 children to join her husband James in his transportation to
Creator : Administration
Document- type 1 : correspondence
Reference number : CSO/RP/1827/1619
Language(s) : English
Geographical coverage : Ireland, Australia
Year(s) : 11 Sep 1827
Theme 1 : family
Theme 2 : legal
English translation : Letter from Mary Fitzpatrick nee Reynolds, Carrick on Shannon, relating to her request for free passage for herself and her 7 children to join her husband James in his transportation to
Creator : Administration
Document- type 1 : correspondence
Reference number : CSO/RP/1827/1619
Language(s) : English
Geographical coverage : Ireland, Australia
Year(s) : 11 Sep 1827
Theme 1 : family
Theme 2 : legal
Archive name : An Chartlann Náisiúnta
Archive name (English) : National Archives
Archive address : Bishop Street, Dublin 8, Ireland D08 DF166
City : Dublin
Country : Ireland
Official website and institutional resources : http://nationalarchives.ie
Finding aid(s) : https://csorp.nationalarchives.ie/context/index.html
Archive name (English) : National Archives
Archive address : Bishop Street, Dublin 8, Ireland D08 DF166
City : Dublin
Country : Ireland
Official website and institutional resources : http://nationalarchives.ie
Finding aid(s) : https://csorp.nationalarchives.ie/context/index.html