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Letter to Ellen Key

    Ellen Karolina Sofia Key (1849-1926) was a Swedish author, a central figure in the intellectual circles of Sweden, a feminist, with liberal or even radical views about love, sexuality, childcare, and education. She became internationally famous, traveled across Europe, and lectured abroad, particularly in Germany starting from 1903. After living ten years abroad, she returned to Sweden.

    Original source name : Brev till Ellen Key
    English translation : Letter to Ellen Key
    Creator : N/A
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Reference number : KB1/L 41
    Language(s) : Swedish
    Geographical coverage : Sweden
    Year(s) : 1918
    Theme 1 : art and culture
    Theme 2 : philanthropy
    Link to the item in the catalogue :*%20Steinschneider*&pg=14&layout=s
    Archive name : Riksarkivet
    Archive name (English) : The National Archives
    Archive address : Fyrverkarbacken 13, 112 60 Stockholm, Sweden
    City : Stockholm
    Country : Sweden
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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