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Letters and marriage contract of Marie Taglioni

    This collection includes documents dated from 1834 on Marie Taglioni’s marriage to Comte des Voisins, which made her a French citizen. Marie Taglioni (1804-1884) was a famous Italian dancer born in Stockholm, Sweden, and who died in Marseille, France.

    Original source name : Lettres et contrat de mariage Marie Taglioni
    English translation : Letters and marriage contract of Marie Taglioni
    Creator : personal fonds
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Reference number : FRBNF41737328; FRBNF41728570
    Language(s) : French
    Geographical coverage : France
    Time range : 19thc.
    Year(s) : 1834
    Theme 1 : family
    Theme 2 : legal
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Biliothèque Nationale de France
    Archive name (English) : National Library of France
    Archive address : Quai François Mauriac 75706 Paris Cedex 13.
    City : Paris
    Country : France
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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