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Margrét Oddgeirsdóttir

    Photograph of Margrét Oddgeirsdóttir (1879–1966) from c. 1900–1908, taken in the Westman Islands before she emigrated to Denmark. From Denmark, she emigrated to North America, settling in Winnipeg and eventually moving to California, where she passed away.

    Original source name : Margrét Oddgeirsdóttir
    English translation : Margrét Oddgeirsdóttir
    Creator : N/A
    Document- type 2 : photograph
    Reference number : MRP-94
    Language(s) : N/A
    Geographical coverage : Iceland, Canada
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1900-1908
    Theme 1 : experience of migration
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Skógasafn
    Archive name (English) : Skógar Museum
    Archive address : Skógasafn 1, 861 Skógar
    City : Skógar
    Country : Iceland
    Official website and institutional resources :
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