Melanija Lence-Eihe (1898-1995) was a Latvian ballerina. Born in Riga, she studied ballet in Moscow and Kharkiv. In 1920 she returned to Latvia where she became one of the stars of the Latvian National Opera. She escaped to Germany during World War II, and then to the US in 1950. The collection consists mostly of photo albums, there are some additional documents and newspaper clippings.
Original source name : Lence Melānija (1898-1995), baletdejotāja, (ASV)
English translation : Melānija Lence (1898-1995), ballerina, (USA)
Creator : personal fonds
Document- type 2 : photograph
Reference number : LV_LVA_F 2117
Language(s) : Mostly Latvian
Geographical coverage : Latvia-Germany-USA
Year(s) : 1937 - 1971
Theme 1 : art and culture
Link to the item in the catalogue : /
English translation : Melānija Lence (1898-1995), ballerina, (USA)
Creator : personal fonds
Document- type 2 : photograph
Reference number : LV_LVA_F 2117
Language(s) : Mostly Latvian
Geographical coverage : Latvia-Germany-USA
Year(s) : 1937 - 1971
Theme 1 : art and culture
Link to the item in the catalogue : /
Archive name : Latvijas Nacionālais arhīv
Archive name (English) : Latvian National Archives
Archive address : Bezdelīgu iela 1A, Rīga, Latvia
City : Riga
Country : Latvia
Official website and institutional resources :
Finding aid(s) :
Archive name (English) : Latvian National Archives
Archive address : Bezdelīgu iela 1A, Rīga, Latvia
City : Riga
Country : Latvia
Official website and institutional resources :
Finding aid(s) :