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Memo « Our women in the German camps » by Kosara Vujačić

    In the memo « Our women in the German camps », Kosara Vujačić explains how the women received the capitulation of Italy in the camp in Bar and how the Chetniks handed over 150 women to the Germans who took them to work in Germany. It also documents the difficult life conditions in German factories. The letter from Kosara Vujačić documents how the Montenegrin women were treated in concentration camps in Germany during the WWII.

    Original source name : Dopis Kosare Vujačić „Naša žena u njemačkim logorima“
    English translation : Memo "Our women in the German camps" by Kosara Vujačić
    Creator : N/A
    Document- type 1 : diary/memoir
    Reference number : 27-III-1944; dok. br. VIII 1-2 (44)
    Language(s) : Montenegrin, Serbo- Croatian
    Geographical coverage : Montenegro, Germany
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1941-1944
    Theme 1 : experience of migration
    Theme 2 : war and displacement
    Archive name : Državni arhiv Crne Gore
    Archive name (English) : The State Archive of Montenegro
    Archive address : Novice Cerovića 2, 81259, Cetinje
    City : Cetinje
    Country : Montenegro
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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