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National Commission for the Repatriation of Croatia

    This collection contains files of repatriated people (citizens of Yugoslavia who emigrated as war victims), registries and eyewitness accounts of repatriates, correspondence and reports on arrivals and departures of repatriates, overview data and individual forms on emigrants-returnees from Egypt in 1949; statements of repatriates about the circumstances of their migration and stays in foreign countries before repatriation.

    Original source name : Zemaljska komisija za repatrijaciju Hrvatske
    English translation : National Commission for the Repatriation of Croatia
    Creator : Administration
    Document- type 1 : immigration papers
    Reference number : HR-HDA-1522
    Language(s) : Croatian, Slovenian, English, German
    Geographical coverage : Croatia
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1945-1952
    Theme 1 : experience of migration
    Theme 2 : war and displacement
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Hrvatski državni arhiv
    Archive name (English) : Croatian State Archives
    Archive address : Trg Marka Marulića 21, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
    City : Zagreb
    Country : Croatia
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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