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Némirovsky, Irène (1903-1942)

    This collection is composed of 20 archive boxes and 3 photo albums of Némirovsky, Irène (1903-1942). A young novelist of Russian origin, driven out by the Bolshevik revolution, Irène Némirovsky enjoyed great success in France in the 1930s with books such as David Golder (1929), Le Bal (1930), L’Affaire Courilof (1933). , The Wine of Solitude (1935), Jezebel (1936). She later died in the Holocaust.

    Original source name : Némirovsky, Irène (1903-1942)
    English translation : Némirovsky, Irène (1903-1942)
    Creator : personal fonds
    Document- type 2 : personal
    Reference number : 78NMR/1 - 78NMR/25
    Language(s) : French, Russian
    Geographical coverage : France
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1918-1996
    Theme 1 : art and culture
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Institut Mémoires de l'édition contemporaine
    Archive name (English) : Memoirs of Contemporary Edition Institute
    Archive address : L'Abbaye D'Ardenne, Chem. de Saint-Germain, 14280 Saint-Germain-la-Blanche-Herbe
    City : Saint-Germain-la-Blanche-Herbe
    Country : France
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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