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Notebooks of the olive harvesting campaigns

    Field notebooks on olive pickers working seasonally in the Kingdom of Majorca. The notebooks document the workers’ participation in the olive harvest and olive oil production and their salaries. Information recorded for each migrant women worker includes her given name, surname, village of origin and number of days working in the fields. Most notebooks of this type were kept in the family archives of nobles and have not survived; these notebooks were uniquely preserved in the Chapter Archives of Mallorca.

    Original source name : Libretas de las campañas de recolección de la aceituna
    English translation : Notebooks of the olive harvesting campaigns
    Creator : N/A
    Document- type 2 : registry
    Reference number : 16922, 16923
    Language(s) : Spanish
    Geographical coverage : Crown of Aragon—Kingdom of Majorca/Spain
    Time range : 17thc.
    Year(s) : 1658–1659, 1679–1680
    Theme 2 : work
    Link to the item in the catalogue : N/A
    Publication(s) : Jover-Avellà, G., & Pujades-Mora, J. M. (2020). «Mercado de trabajo, género y especialización oleícola: Mallorca a mediados del siglo XVII». Revista de Historia Agraria 80, 1–33; Jover-Avellà, J., & Pujades-Mora, J. M. (2017). «A ro de 28 sous i mig oli mes, i mesureta»: els salaris de les collidores d’olives a Mallorca, 1645–1687. Estudis d'història agrària, 65–102; Jover-Avellà, G. J., Pujadas-Mora, J. M. P., & Rodríguez, A. M. S. (2017). ¿ Quiénes eran los mozos en las regiones mediterráneas? Salarios y movilidad de los mozos en el mercado de trabajo de Mallorca, 1654-1680. Mundo Agrario, 18(39), 1–20.
    Archive name : Archivo Capitular de Mallorca 
    Archive name (English) : Chapter Archive of Mallorca
    Archive address : Plaça de la Seu, s/n C/ del Capiscolat, 2 07001
    City : Palma
    Country : Spain
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