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Office for the practice of the medical professions (Directorate-General for Health) : Authorisations to practise in France granted to dental surgeons, doctors and midwives of foreign nationalities for 1983

    This collection consists in documents illustrating the control of professional practice in the health field and concerns many women, particularly midwives of foreign nationality. It is classified by name. The collection includes Art 1-6. Authorisations to practise in France granted to dental surgeons, doctors and midwives of foreign nationalities for 1983 (application of the law of 13. 07, 1972) Art 7: Practitioners authorised by naturalisation 1983. Art 7: Practitioners refused by the national education authorities. The files are not gender-disaggregated, but some concern migrant women.

    Original source name : Bureau de l'exercice des professions médicales (direction générale de la santé) : Autorisations d'exercer en France accordées à des chirugiens dentistes, médecins, sages-femmes de nationalités étrangères au titre de l'année 1983
    English translation : Office for the practice of the medical professions (Directorate-General for Health) : Authorisations to practise in France granted to dental surgeons, doctors and midwives of foreign nationalities for 1983
    Creator : public service
    Document- type 1 : immigration papers
    Reference number : 19850018/1-19850018/7
    Language(s) : French
    Geographical coverage : International
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1983
    Theme 1 : work
    Theme 2 : legal
    Link to the item in the catalogue : Not accessible online, can be consulted in person
    Archive name : Archives nationales
    Archive name (English) : French National Archives
    Archive address : 59 Rue Guynemer, 93383 Pierrefitte-sur-Seine
    City : Pierrefitte-sur-Seine
    Country : France
    Official website and institutional resources :
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