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Office for the return of exiles of the Tuzla Canton (1994-2004)

    This file contains documents regarding the work of the Office on the Return of the Displaced Persons due to the war of 1990s. Among them were many women.

    Original source name : Ured za povratak prognanih Tuzlanskog kantona (1994-2004)
    English translation : Office for the return of exiles of the Tuzla Canton (1994-2004)
    Creator : Administration
    Document- type 1 : identity documents
    Document- type 2 : registry
    Reference number : BiH-ATKT/UZPTK
    Language(s) : Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
    Geographical coverage : Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Time range : 20th-21stc.
    Year(s) : 1994-2004
    Theme 1 : exile
    Theme 2 : war and displacement
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona
    Archive name (English) : Archive of Tuzla Canton
    Archive address : Franje Ledera, 75000 Tuzla
    City : Tuzla
    Country : Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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