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Papers of the members of family Puhk

    This collection contains documents about Marie Puhk-Birse, including personal documents and diaries kept during spending her time in DP camp. She was the daughter of Jaak Johann Puhk, founder of J. Puhk & Sons, who lived in Sweden, mostly from the post-World War II period. Marie Puhk was born on 27 September 1885 in Viljandimaa, Kõo parish, and her parents were company « J. Puhk ». Puhk & Sons’ founder Jaak Puhk and his wife Anna-Louise (née Kasvandik). In 1906 Jaak Johann Puhk qualified as a dentist at the University of Tartu. Marie Birse moved to Estonia, lived in Tallinn and Viljandimaa, and acquired a cattle farm in Ruusa, Põlvamaa. Marie Puhk left Estonia in 1941 in the course of resettlement together with her daughter Sigrid Buske, who was married to the Baltic German Oswald Buske, and her son J. Buske. She lived in several places in Germany (escaped from Poznan in January 1945 to Nöbdenitz in Tüüringen, later a Soviet occupation zone, settled in March 1946 in the refugee camp Kleinheubach in the US zone), moved to Belgium with her children in 1947, lived in Södertälje, Sweden, from 1950. Marie Puhk died on 13 August 1952 and was buried in Södertälje cemetery.

    Original source name : Puhk'ide suguvõsa liikmete (Marie Puhk, Joachim Veimarn, Aare-Ruth Mörner, Agu Theodor Puhk) dokumentide kollektsioon
    English translation : Papers of the members of family Puhk
    Creator : Family
    Document- type 1 : diary/memoir
    Document- type 2 : personal
    Reference number : ERA.5022
    Language(s) : Estonian, English, German, Swedish, Russian
    Geographical coverage : Estonia, Germany, Sweden
    Time range : 19th-20th c.
    Year(s) : 1896-2005
    Theme 1 : experience of migration
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Rahvusarhiiv
    Archive name (English) : Estonian National Archives
    Archive address : Nooruse 3, Tartu 50411, Estonia
    City : Tartu
    Country : Estonia
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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