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Personal collection / Lyaturynska Oksana (1902-1970) – sculptor, poet, writer

    Oksana Liaturynska (b. 1902, Lisky, Volyn (Ukraine) – d. 1970, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) was a Ukrainian painter, sculptor and public figure. In 1924 she emigrated, and lived first in Czechoslovakia, then in Germany, and finally settled in the United States. The collection 1926-1944 contains 19 files.

    Original source name : Фонди особового походження / Лятуринська Оксана (1902-1970) - скульптор, поетеса, письменниця
    English translation : Personal collection / Lyaturynska Oksana (1902-1970) - sculptor, poet, writer
    Creator : personal fonds
    Document- type 2 : personal
    Reference number : Фонд 3915
    Language(s) : Ukrainian
    Geographical coverage : Ukraine, Czech Republic, Germany
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1926-1944
    Theme 1 : art and culture
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Центральний державний архів вищих органів влади та управління України
    Archive name (English) : Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Administration of Ukraine
    Archive address : Solomianska St, 24, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000
    City : Kyiv
    Country : Ukraine
    Official website and institutional resources :
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