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Petition of Elen MacNamara, County Limerick, requesting passage to New South Wales, Australian, to join husband

    Petition of Elen [sic] MacNamara, County Limerick, to Richard Wellesley, 1st marquis Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant, Dublin Castle, requesting passage to New South Wales, Australia, to join her husband, Michael McNamara. States that he was found guilty of the murder of John Rouhan at Limerick city spring assizes, 1821, and that his death sentence was commuted to transportation for life, 5 April 1823. Petition certified by Reverend Henry Gubbins, Church of Ireland curate and inspector of Limerick city jail; and by Reverend Charles Hanrahan, parish priest of St. Mary’s parish, Limerick; also certified on reverse side by Denis Fitzgerald Mahony, mayor of Limerick city, 12 April 1823, and by William Taylor and Andrew Watson, sheriffs of Limerick city, 14 April 1823. Annexed to petition is a copy of an extract from the registry of St. Mary’s parish, detailing the marriage of the MacNamaras in June 1820, verified as correct by Reverend Hanrahan, 9 April 1823. Also enclosed with petition is extract of letter from P Hill, Royal Navy surgeon, Liverpool hospital, New South Wales, to Lieutenant William A Riach of 79th regiment, reporting that MacNamara has been employed in the hospital under his charge, and recommending that his wife and child be permitted to join him, originally dated 30 July 1822. 2 items; 6pp

    Original source name : Petition of Elen MacNamara, County Limerick, requesting passage to New South Wales, Australian, to join husband
    English translation : Petition of Elen MacNamara, County Limerick, requesting passage to New South Wales, Australian, to join husband
    Creator : Administration
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Reference number : CSO/RP/1823/638
    Language(s) : English
    Geographical coverage : Ireland, Australia
    Year(s) : 30 Jul 1822-14 Apr 1823
    Theme 1 : family
    Theme 2 : legal
    Archive name : An Chartlann Náisiúnta
    Archive name (English) : National Archives
    Archive address : Bishop Street, Dublin 8, Ireland D08 DF91
    City : Dublin
    Country : Ireland
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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