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Records of the Society for the Overseas Settlement of British Women

    As described in the LSE catalogue, the archive consists of minute books of the Society for the Overseas Settlement of British Women (SOSBW) Council, executive, finance and various committees and of Junior branch, training centre, Africa, Rhodesia, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and schoolgirl tours subcommittees; minutes of the Overseas Settlement Committee and War Services Committee; duplicate minutes for meetings of Joint Council for Women’s Emigration Societies; annual reports; title deeds and legal documents; Legal, finance and hostel correspondence files; general correspondence files; pamphlets; Overseas Settlement Committee annual reports and Overseas Settlement Board reports.

    Original source name : Records of the Society for the Overseas Settlement of British Women
    English translation : Records of the Society for the Overseas Settlement of British Women
    Creator : Organisations
    Document- type 1 : correspondence
    Document- type 2 : reports
    Reference number : 1SOS - Box FL004-FL021; FL022B-FL035; OS06 (33 A boxes, 1 OS box (1 A box uncatalogued)
    Language(s) : English
    Geographical coverage : United Kingdom
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1907-1964
    Theme 1 : empire/colonial
    Theme 2 : legal
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Publication(s) : Marie Ruiz, British Female Emigration Societies and the New World (1860-1914), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
    Archive name : The Women's Library
    Archive name (English) : The Women's Library
    Archive address : London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton St, London WC2A 2AE
    City : London
    Country : United Kingdom
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) : The archives catalogue is available here: Women's Library LES:
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