Among the documents of this fonds, there are lists of imprisoned Jews in Skopje from the Macedonian cities of Skopje, Bitola and Štip (11 March 1943). They were later deported to Treblinka by the Bulgarian authorities, who were allies of the Nazis. The lists contain precise data on the name, middle name, surname, gender and year of birth of each person.
Original source name : Обласна полициска управа – Скопје (1941 – 1944)
English translation : Regional Police Department – Skopje (1941 – 1944)
Creator : public service
Document- type 1 : police
Document- type 2 : registry
Reference number : 130
Language(s) : French
Geographical coverage : North Macedonia
Time range : 20thc.
Year(s) : 1941-1944
Theme 2 : war and displacement
Link to the item in the catalogue :
Publication(s) : Јасмина Дамјановска, “Списоци на Евреи од Скопје, Битола и Штип затворени во привремениот концентрационен логор во Скопје на 11 март 1943 година, Македонски архивист”, 22, Скопје, 2017, 109–256
English translation : Regional Police Department – Skopje (1941 – 1944)
Creator : public service
Document- type 1 : police
Document- type 2 : registry
Reference number : 130
Language(s) : French
Geographical coverage : North Macedonia
Time range : 20thc.
Year(s) : 1941-1944
Theme 2 : war and displacement
Link to the item in the catalogue :
Publication(s) : Јасмина Дамјановска, “Списоци на Евреи од Скопје, Битола и Штип затворени во привремениот концентрационен логор во Скопје на 11 март 1943 година, Македонски архивист”, 22, Скопје, 2017, 109–256
Archive name : Државен архив на Република Северна Македонија
Archive name (English) : State Archives of Republic of North Macedonia
Archive address : Kej Dimitar Vlahov br. 19, 1000, Skopje, RN Macedonia
City : Skopje
Country : North Macedonia
Official website and institutional resources :
Archive name (English) : State Archives of Republic of North Macedonia
Archive address : Kej Dimitar Vlahov br. 19, 1000, Skopje, RN Macedonia
City : Skopje
Country : North Macedonia
Official website and institutional resources :