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Reports (intermediate, final and/or summary) produced in the context of studies commissioned and financed, in part or in full, by the Directorate of Population and Migration (DPM) and/or the Social Action Fund for Immigrant Workers and their Families (FAS) (1973-2007)

    The collection contains three reports concerning women’s migration for work. Article 12 is a study on the modes of integration of immigrant women from February 1978. Article 62 is a file on the associative networks and socio-professional integration of foreign women, women of foreign origin and women with immigrant backgrounds (interview reports, final report, synthesis and proposals) from December 1987. Article 149 is a final report on access to employment and the integration of women of foreign origin from June 1996. These reports were produced in connection with studies partly or fully commissioned and financed by France’s Directorate of Population and Migration (DPM) and/or the Social Action Fund for Immigrant Workers and their Families (FAS) between 1973 and 2007.

    Original source name : Rapports (intermédiaires, finaux et/ou de synthèse) produits dans le cadre d'études commandées et financées, pour partie ou intégralement, par la Direction de la Population et des Migrations (DPM) et / ou le Fonds d'action sociale pour les travailleurs immigrés et leurs familles (FAS) (1973-2007)
    English translation : Reports (intermediate, final and/or summary) produced in the context of studies commissioned and financed, in part or in full, by the Directorate of Population and Migration (DPM) and/or the Social Action Fund for Immigrant Workers and their Families (FAS) (1973-2007)
    Creator : Administration
    Document- type 2 : reports
    Reference number : 20140104/12, 20140104/62, 20140104/149
    Language(s) : French
    Geographical coverage : France
    Time range : 20thc.
    Year(s) : 1978-1996
    Theme 1 : work
    Theme 2 : legal
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Archives nationales
    Archive name (English) : French National Archives
    Archive address : 59 Rue Guynemer, 93383 Pierrefitte-sur-Seine
    City : Pierrefitte-sur-Seine
    Country : France
    Official website and institutional resources :
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