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Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning collection

    This file contains documents relating to the British poet Elizabeth Barret Browning who lived most of her adult life in Florence, Italy

    Original source name : Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett-Browning Collection
    English translation : Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning collection
    Creator : Family
    Document- type 2 : personal
    Reference number : MS 682
    Language(s) : English
    Geographical coverage : UK
    Time range : 19thc.
    Year(s) : 1812-1889
    Theme 1 : family
    Theme 2 : art and culture
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Eton College Collections
    Archive name (English) : Eton College Collections
    Archive address : Eton College Collections, Eton College, Windsor, SL4 6DB, UK
    City : Eton
    Country : UK
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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