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Royal Commercial Collegium

    The series includes yearly summary of issued passports for men and women within the realm of Sweden-Finland for both inland and outland travel. The information is organized by places of origin, such as towns and municipalities from which requests for passports were sent to state officials. Anyone who travelled needed a document to show that he or she was on legal business. Sometimes the documents include detailed descriptions of the route.

    Original source name : Kommerkollegium: Årsberättelser om pass för resande till utrikes- och vissa inrikes orter
    English translation : Royal Commercial Collegium
    Creator : Administration
    Document- type 1 : identity documents
    Document- type 2 : passenger list
    Reference number : SE/RA/420132/2/C/C 2/C 2 E
    Language(s) : Swedish, Finnish, Latin
    Geographical coverage : Sweden and Finland, Europe, overseas
    Time range : 18th-19thc.
    Year(s) : 1761-1833
    Theme 2 : statistics
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Publication(s) : Lövgren, Anna-Brita, Staaten och folk på väg: Pass i Sverige från Gustav Vasas tid till 1860. Nordic Acaademic Press 2018.
    Archive name : Riksarkivet
    Archive name (English) : National Archives of Sweden
    Archive address : Fyrverkarbacken 13, 112 60 Stockholm
    City : Stockholm
    Country : Sweden
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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