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The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Instruction

    The files in this collection document the presence of female teachers coming from France, Italy and Greece to teach foreign languages in public secondary schools for girls. In the catalogues, for each year the women are listed in the Secondary Education Department (Direcția II Învățământul secundar). However, the information on their stay is scarce because it comes from the Ministryʼs correspondence to the schoolsʼ principals, and needs to be compared with the one found in other sources such as school yearbooks.

    Original source name : Ministerul Cultelor și Instrucțiunii Public
    English translation : The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Instruction
    Creator : Administration
    Document- type 2 : reports
    Reference number : 2553 (years 1920-1921); 710 (1922) – 714 (1926); 811 (1927) – 816 (1932); 907 (1933) – 914 (1940)
    Language(s) : Romanian
    Geographical coverage : Romania
    Year(s) : 1920–1940
    Theme 1 : education
    Link to the item in the catalogue :
    Archive name : Arhivele Naționale ale României
    Archive name (English) : Romaniaʼs National Archives
    Archive address : Bd. Regina Elisabeta 49, sector 5, București. This historical archive building is currently under renovation and the temporary address of the archive is Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 69A, sector 6, Bucureşti.
    City : Bucarest
    Country : Romania
    Official website and institutional resources :
    Finding aid(s) :
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