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University of Wool Art

    The trial documents preserved in this collection are a unique source of early modern women’s mobility and migration. As witnesses, women describe not only their origin, but also what kind of activity they did when the crime took place. It is quite time-consuming research, but very rewarding.

    Original source name : Università dell’Arte della Lana 
    English translation : University of Wool Art
    Creator : Judiciary
    Document- type 1 : court records
    Reference number : bb. 275-324
    Language(s) : Italian
    Geographical coverage : Italy
    Time range : 16th-17th c.
    Year(s) : 1400s–1700s
    Theme 1 : experience of migration
    Theme 2 : legal
    Publication(s) : Andrea Caracausi, Dentro la bottega. Culture del lavoro in una città d’età moderna. Marsilio, Venezia: 2008.
    Archive name : Archivio di Stato di Padova
    Archive name (English) : State Archive of Padua
    Archive address : Via dei Colli, 24 – 35143 Padova
    City : Padua
    Country : Italy
    Official website and institutional resources :
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