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Corespondenţa perechii regale Carol I şi Elisabeta din Arhivele Naţionale ale României (1869-1913)

    Authors' names : Zimmermann, Silvia Irina
    Title of book : Corespondenţa perechii regale Carol I şi Elisabeta din Arhivele Naţionale ale României (1869-1913)
    Translation in English : Correspondence of the royal pair Carol I and Elisabeta from the National Archives of Romania (1869-1913)
    Edited volume? : ed.
    Publisher : Humanitas
    Place of publication : Bucharest
    Year : 2020
    Additional information : The correspondence of the Romanian royal pair Carol I and Elisabeth from the Romanian National Archives. Also here I know the editor of the book, and the book (2 volumes) is available in both Romanian and German. Queen Elisabeth was born in Germany and also as a Queen she had some years of exile in Italy.

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