As advertised on the COST website, Women on the Move’s 3rd annual meeting will take place in Lisbon on 7-9 February 2023.
The event will be launched by a stakeholders’ meeting, which will welcome governmental and non-governmental actors of women’s migration in Portugal.
The COST Action will be welcomed by university delegates, Paulo Pisco, who is Chair of the Sub-Committee on Diasporas and Integration at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and EU Commissioner for Equality’s cabinet member David Kerr.
Presentations by the observatory of migration, of emigration, and of human trafficking will inform us on the local institutions’ work with women migrants, while local NGOs will share their experience with Cap-verdean and Santomean women in Portugal.
David Kerr will make us the honour of chairing the ensuing round table with all local stakeholders and guests. We anticipate fascinating discussions around women migrants, gender equality and inclusion at Portuguese and EU level.
The local organiser will later take participants on a walking tour led by women migrants and the visit of a museum dedicated to a migrant woman, which will complete Women on the Move’s exploration of women’s migration in Lisbon.