Key achievement of our project, WEMov was invited by MEP Sylvie Guillaume to exhibit its work at the EU Parliament from 9-12 April 2024. The opening took place on 9 April at 6pm CET and the event was followed by a roundtable in the COST office on 10 April (9am-1pm). Here is an illustrated account of the event
On 8 April, 5h of hard labour were necessary to install the exhibition featuring posters, a timeline, letters of women migrants, and landmarks across Europe.

While it only took 30mn to disinstall.

9 April was the highlight of the even with an opening at the EU Parliament on the very evening preceding the vote on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. The speech from our host, Sylvie Guillaume, underlined the contribution of women migrants to the construction of Europe and the EU, as did Chair Marie Ruiz, EU Commission David Kerr, and COST Fatima Hegyi.

On 10 April, COST welcomed us for a fascinating roundtable on women migrants’ reception, deskilling and gender-disaggregated data. All our thanks to our guests for the engaging discussions on key aspects of women’s migration.

The event ended with a private tour of the EU Commission hosted by Cabinet Dalli.

sylvie guillaumeMarie RuizDavid Kerr Fatime Barbara Hegyi Stellamarina DonatoAndrej SebestaJanine McGinn PhDLesia RadelickiLudovica BanfiOphelie MarrelTeresa Girón PalaciosVirginia Wangare GreinerMaison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (MESHS)